"Wow, what happened to my child's grade? It was looking much better last week! How could it change so much so fast?"
Great question.
I do NOT enter in every small assignment. I collect them up and add a bunch at a time.
Each unit gets a "Homework" score. Notes and flashcard assignments are usually 5 points each and get a stamp. Count the number of stamps in that chapter, and you know your score. I have a 5 point "on time" stamp, and a "late" stamp.
Each unit has a "Packet" of classwork, mostly worksheets, usually 5 points per side. A packet with 10 pages is probably about 100 points.
Labs are usually 20-50 points. These are the assignments I go over with a fine-toothed-comb. I grade these hard. A "C" is average. To get an "A" is not "I got nothing wrong," but "Wow, this is an amazing paper that goes above and beyond the average paper."
Each unit has a test that is anywhere from 40-100 points. My tests are nearly all multiple choice, usually 1 or 2 points per question.
Labs I enter into the gradebook as soon as I get the stack done. The homework and class packet get entered in at the end of the unit, with the test, so frequently grades do not change a lot, until the end of a chapter when I enter in a large score for the homework, another large score for the packet, and another large score for the test... and grades can change a LOT!